Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Perfect bacon !

Bacon !

We all know that even foodies can burn bacon and if your not into rock hard bacon pan frying it can be a pain in the you know what. Well here is  a sweet tip for making perfect bacon without the worry of grease flying through the air or getting your pan temp. just right.

Baking Bacon is an easy mess proof way of  cooking this pork product and  I think you get the best results
heres how :

-Preheat your oven to 400 degrees
-Line a cooking sheet or backing pan with heavy-duty foil
-Arrange the bacon in the pan side by side making sure not to overlap the pieces in fact leave a little space in between so they have room to brown and crisp
-Bake for 10-17 minutes for thin cut bacon , 16-18 minutes for thick cut bacon
-Carefully remove from oven , drain on a paper towel and use.

BLT : Two slices or your favorite bread toasted
          1 tomato washed &  Sliced  to your desired thickness 
          2 pieces of leaf lettuce  " washed"
          2 tablespoons of mayonnaise 
          4-6 slices of bacon 

-Spread mayonnaise  on each slice of toasted bread 
-Place lettuce on one slice of bread 
-Add 4-6 slices of bacon 
-Top with tomato 
-Place other slice of bread on top & enjoy 

*ADD cheese if you like to live dangerously 


  10 Jalapenos 
  20 Slices of bacon 
  1 Package of cream cheese 
  1 box of toothpicks 

-Preheat oven to 420 degrees 
-Cut stems off of peppers and slice in half longways 
-Clean out seeds " washing under cold water works best"
-Spoon in one tablespoon on cream cheese in each pepper half 
-Wrap each pepper with bacon and secure with toothpick 

Bake for 10-12 minutes " precooked bacon " 
20-35 minutes " raw bacon" 

carefully remove from oven plate and enjoy ! 

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